With the passage of the NDAA, specifically the reform of the Feres Doctrine which was encompassed within, Francis Scott Key Squadron 11 member Josh Marks, Mayor Patrick Rockinberg and Councilmember Patty Washabaugh presented a Governor’s Memorial Citation to the parents of Jordan Way; Dana and Suzi Way of Mount Airy, Md. The specific part of this legislation, the Feres Doctrine, was modified to allow culpability of military medical negligence. Marks stated, ”Jordan heard the calling and enlisted to be one of the most revered type of warrior; a Navy corpsman.”. Marks' son played football with Jordan and both enlisted the same year, Jordan in the Navy and Marks in the Marine Corps. Marks' son told him, “When a warrior leaves this realm, they go to Valhalla and are welcomed with a resounding Oo-Rah by their fallen brothers and sisters as they watch over their brethren with St. Micheal. I believe I heard another Valhalla "Oo-Rah" tonight and I believe it was for Jordan when you gave this citation to his mom and dad.”
This was a poignant moment, as It was the anniversary of his passing and this citation is dated for yesterday; the day the NDAA passed out of the Senate en route to the president. What a wonderful way to end 2019, the Year of the Veteran as proclaimed by Governor Hogan in February.
Jordan is smiling down on his mom and dad ❤️. Fair seas and following winds, Corpsman.