On Dec. 7, 2019, Columbus (Ga.) Charles S. Harrison Post 35 held its Remembering Pearl Harbor event.
The event started with a welcome from Post 35 Commander Chuck Acker, followed by the invocation led by Freddie Odomes, commander of the 555 Triple Nickle. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Unit 35 Auxiliary President Mearl Betcher, followed by the singing of the national anthem led by Marilyn Wallace, Honorary Regent of Oglethorpe Chapter, NSDAR.
A speech on why we need to remember Pearl Harbor and the events that led up to and after Dec. 7 was given by Chattahoochee Valley Veterans Council Chairman (and Post 35 Sgt. at Arms) Sam Nelson
The Hawaiian dancers “The Kupunas” did several dances showing the peace of the Hawaiian Islands prior to the attack. Legionnaire Frank McCanham did a fantastic job delivering President Roosevelt's “Day of Infamy” speech. Wallace then led everyone in singing “God Bless America,” followed by the poem “Fallen Soldier” read by Auxiliary member Sallie Nelson. The event ended with the benediction from Odomes.
Guests were invited to stay for refreshments (provided by Auxiliary member Monika Washington). Some of the “Kupunas” had changed into the “Boogie Buddies” and entertained the crowd with song and dance from World War II, to include the “Bugle Boy from Company B” to the delight of all.