I would like to say thank you to those who gave all and to those who put their safety second to help people in need that fateful day, Sept. 11.
Flag at half-staff.
On Patriot Day, we solemnly remember the nearly 3,000 people who died on Sept. 11, 2001. With gratitude, we honor the brave first responders, resolute members of our military, and all Americans who showed extraordinary courage to save others on that fateful day.
This year Patriot Day is observed on Friday, Sept. 11. In accordance with Public Law 107–89, authorized on Sept. 4, 2002, by President George W. Bush and codified as title 36 U.S. Code § 144, on Patriot Day the United States flag is to be displayed at half-staff from sunrise until sunset.
Flag at half-staff message was emailed out today by;
The American Legion National Headquarters
700 North Pennsylvania Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204