Jefferson Post 201 is located in West Jefferson, Ohio, which is within spitting distance of Columbus. One of the services our post provides to our community is final disposition of no-longer-usable American flags. As long as anyone can remember, collection of the flags has been either handed to a member or left at the front door of the post.
Several years ago, recycled U.S. Postal Service mailboxes found action as a receptacle for flags. Our local postmaster was contacted, but months turned into years with no mailbox. And then a new postal worker showed up at the post office. Two diligent post members learned the worker was a U.S. Army vet and promptly recruited him into the Legion. When our new member learned of our problem in securing a mailbox, he had one for us the next week.
From Post 201's perspective, we have added a drive-through drop-off for no-longer-usable American flags to our community services. Local businesses provided their time and talent in helping with the paint job and providing decals. These folks and another non-member appreciated the opportunity to help with this project. Finally, our American Flag Depository adds great colors to our post, and if folks happen to utilize it on a Friday between 4 and 7 p.m., they can stop in and buy a fish lunch.