Wreaths Across America at the Paoli Battlefield requested help from Bateman Gallagher American Legion Post 668 due to the restrictions in place because of COVID.
Some members performed wreath-laying, some members were on the firing squad, and a member did the Pledge of Allegiance. This event honors the 53 lives that were lost in the Battle of Paoli. Fifty-two bodies were identified and buried in a mass grave at the battlefield. The 53rd body was discovered a week later in the woods and was not identified but was buried with the other 52.
The following members and their organization is reflected in the list below:
Pam Scott, Auxiliary chaplain, said the opening prayer and laid a wreath.
Stella Scott, Auxiliary, said the Pledge and laid a wreath.
De De Shaner, Auxiliary, laid a wreath.
Diane Leeper, Auxiliary, laid a wreath and took photos.
Heather Lewis, Auxiliary, laid a wreath and assisted a disabled vet in his wheelchair.
Anthony Waterer IV, Sons squadron commander, was part of the firing squad.
William Loper, Sons squadron member, firing squad.
Gene Hough, Legion member, performed duties of a re-enactor from the Revolutionary War.
Charles Yespelkis, Legion sergeant at arms, laid the Marine Corps wreath and assisted with the firing squad
Scott Carlson, Legion service officer, laid the Army wreath and wreaths for the 52.
Jack Casta, Legion finance officer, laid the Navy wreath and the wreaths for the 52.
Joe Lewis, Legion commander, even in a wheelchair assisted in laying a wreath for the 52.
A livestream of the event is available on::