On July 24, 2021, Frank L. Carbaugh Greencastle American Legion Post 373, a VWV 50th Commemorative Partner,
held a pinning ceremony/banquet for Vietnam veterans, families and survivors.
In attendance were the Greencastle mayor, post officers, the chaplain (who is a chaplain for the fire department and a Vietnam veteran), the Greencastle VFW commander, the Chambersburg VWV Post 41 commander, a Gold Star wife, an Army nurse who served in Vietnam, the Chambersburg ROTC as color guard, and others.
The theme was "Welcome Home." Along with the pinning ceremony there were door prizes, a very good meal, a POW/MIA
ceremony and a ceremony (bell ringing) of the 89 Pennsylvania veterans still missing/unaccounted for.
The speaker was from the Army War College and showed a movie he produced interviewing Vietnam veterans - their own
stories. The mayor issued a mayoral citation to the veterans.
As a Commemorative Partner, we are required to hold two programs a year through 2025.
Randy Heckman
VWVC50th Chairman