The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is a memorial site, and the grave of three unknown American servicemembers. As part of the centennial commemoration and for the first time since the memorial was made, the public was allowed to walk on the plaza and lay flowers in front of the Tomb.
Six members of the American Legion Riders chapter of Post 176 in Springfield, Va., were able to take advantage of an event that has never happened before. Riding to Arlington, and being able to be part of a remembrance of the ones the Tomb represents, was very emotional. The weather was a beautiful clear day in the low 70s, to us perfect riding weather.
It was just amazing. You don’t get opportunities like this; it was truly once in a lifetime! It was a powerful moment standing steps away from the Tomb, inches away from the inscription that you can only see from a distance: "Here rests in honored glory an American soldier known only to God." As I have several family members who served in the military, and some still serving, it was important for me to be here. Not only for me, but for them.