I’d like to begin with my family’s military service history:
My uncles Roscoe and Sterling Mathews served in France during World War I. Roscoe served with the Third Army. Uncle Sterling served with the Second English Battalion.
My two older brothers served in World War II: Ralph Mathews was killed in action June 6, 1944, at Normandy. He is buried in Arlington National Cemetery in Washington, D.C. Charles Mathews served with the Third Division in France, where he was wounded.
My brother Richard served with the 24th Infantry Division in Korea.
Myself, I got drafted in 1960. In 1961, after jump school, I was assigned to the 101st Airborne. I was shipped to Vietnam in 1967. I served in Vietnam from 1967 to 1970 with the Second 75 Rangers. I retired in 1986 as an E-8. During my military career, I received more than 10 awards, including the Vietnam Life Saving Medal.
James Mathews
United States Army, Vietnam 1967-1970
Titusville, FL