Today's military has become an all-encompassing force, which was inevitable in the post-draft period. The all-volunteer force has developed new recruiting practices, procedures and retention tools. Thus, a new type of veteran has come to the world stage. From there, the membership of our veterans’ organizations has gradually and proactively changed.
A few years ago, a small but determined post opened its doors, for any and all members who wished to be a part of something new. Missouri Post 302 was born, or in this case reborn. The original Post 302 closed several years earlier with the passing of its last members. However, one of their descendants chose to reactivate this post and model it toward the wants and needs of today's veterans. Along with that, members of all walks of life became the “new” American Legion Post 302.
These members, who once served in a variety of capacities ranging from pilots, infantry, airborne, military police, JAG and submariners, to cooks, clerks, supply specialists and medical personnel, have now come together as one organization. Today they are our educators, civil attorneys, police, doctors and nurses, firefighters, investment advisers, accountants, professors and in some cases retirees. The only thing more diverse than their service and chosen post-military profession is they themselves.
Missouri Post 302 is made up of members of all nationalities, races and religions. We are from big cities, small towns and everything in between. We have high school graduates, up to doctoral candidates. We are black, white, Asian, Latino and American Indian, which is just the start of this group. We are Christian, Muslim and Hebrew. But, most of all, we are American! We served this great nation of ours, and we want to continue to do so as a part of The American Legion. Whether we earned our pilot wings, jump wings, combat infantry badge or just a good conduct medal, we served with honor and distinction. We plan to keep the torch going and serve post-military, for the current and future generations. We are Missouri Post 302 and we are here to welcome you home!