Six members of Post 2 were presented awards on April 18 by the City of Bristol along with the Veterans Strong Community Center and the Wernicki family at the Manross Memorial Library as part of Patriot's Day.
The Mayor of Bristol presented an award from the City to each.
The first veteran honored was Joe Caminiti. An Iwo Jima survivor, also called back to duty for the Korean War, he was on Iwo Jima and witnessed the flag raised over the island. He has helped with the post Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day along with the Veterans Day ceremony in town.
Edward Litherland, retired command sergeant major, part of city CERTS and vice president of the Veterans Strong Community Center.
Richard Avery and Jim Bousquet, both part of the Korean Veterans Association that is behind the building of most monuments in town and trustee of the military museum.
Richard Carello, vice chair of the Bristol Veterans Council.
Bob Montgomery, the city historian and founder of the Bristol Sport Hall of Fame. He is also a member of the Korean Veterans Association.