Every Memorial Day weekend since the early 2000s, Mark L. Wilt American Legion Post 210, Middlebury, Ind., has held a dusk-to-dawn vigil at Grace Lawn Cemetery. We honor our post’s namesake, and all veterans in the cemetery. American flags and small lights are placed at each veteran's grave. As people drive, or walk, through the cemetery they can get an idea of how many people in the community have served in the military. Post members will be on hand throughout the night to greet those who come to honor these veterans. On Memorial Day, at 10 a.m., the public is invited to the downtown park where a short ceremony will take place. Shortly thereafter an honor guard will march to the cemetery, where the names of all deceased veterans will be read aloud. On the way to the cemetery a wreath will be tossed in the river to honor those buried at sea.