Some introspective thoughts as I go about my taps bugler duties on Memorial Day:
When a bugler’s mind is guided by the heart and soul and paired with the gift and blessings of the Almighty Heavenly Father, taps becomes an immersive, emotionally soulful experience, a beautiful final farewell song that honors the life and service of the fallen while simultaneously mourning their passing - all with respect and reverence.
To quote Lorry Myers of the Columbia Daily Tribune, “The lone bugler’s song is a song of gratitude, a final thank you from a grateful nation, a promise that we will not forget. Freedom is not free; it is bought and paid for with the lives it takes and the lives it changes. The bugler plays “taps,” a final tribute to our heroes and signifies their work is done. They can finally lay their burdens down. Thank you for your service.”
Honor and Remember the Fallen.
Jim Steele, Bugler
Taps for Veterans
Sons of the American Legion Squadron 137 (Florida)
American Legion Post 137 Honor Guard