I was a young FMF Navy Hospital Corpsman assigned to the 1/9 C in 1981 and transferred to the 1/3 A. And I proudly served. I was told by my recruiter "Navy hospitals on the beach with pretty nurses." Ha!
Being an ex/former Marine I should have known better ... YEP! That's correct my first tour was USMC 1978 at Camp Pendleton in Oceanside, Calif. And boy did I have a blast, especially trying to find my barracks at last call.
Between the Corps and the Navy I served on some interesting ships. For example, the USS Sperry as-12 and USS Coral Sea cv-43 and various places including the dispensary on Coronado Island.
Cut short of my career goals I was given a medical discharge and went home but, not so quietly, I was a very angry man for many years.
Today I am a member of the Honor Guard drill team in Sedalia, Mo., retired and receiving retirement benefits and going back to medical school.
Have a somber and humble Memorial Day. God bless our soldiers who are away from home.