Taejon Chapter 170 Commander Fosco Oliveti led members to the Chapter Korean War Monument in Saddle Brook, N.J., to honor the end of the Korean War on July 27, 1953. This was the first time members chose to honor the end of the war and those military members who died in the three-year war. The Taejon Chapter monument was erected in 2000. Members who were present at the ceremony with Commander Oliveti were Finance Officer Edward Frye, Sgt. at Arms Alexander Atheras, Past Commander Kenneth Green, William Burns, Joseph Louis, Arthur Reda and Historian Louis Quagliero. The ceremony commenced at 10:00 am with the posting of colors, the U.S. flag, South Korean flag and two memorial wreaths by Atheras.
Oliveti welcomed everyone and talked about this day in history, and said a prayer for 36,000 United States military killed in the three-year war. Many of our members were in Korea during the signing of the ceasefire July 27, 1953. Oliveti stated “We are honored today by a military veteran organization that chose to be present to honor the Taejon Chapter and its members who fought in the Korean War 1950-1953”.
He introduced American Legion Department of New Jersey Vice Commander Dennis Duddie, who is also the commander of Rochelle Park Post 170. Dennis expressed how proud and honored he was to be with us on this historical day in United States history.
Oliveti continued his speech, “little is known that July 20, 1953, the negotiations reached an armistice agreement at Panmunjom at 11:00 pm on July 27, 1953, silence fell across the front, the Korean War was over.” However, South Korea never signed the armistice agreement, due to South Korean President Syngman Rhee’s refusal to accept the division of Korea, which is why there has still – even to this day – been no declaration confirming the war’s end. Oliveti ended his talk with a prayer. Everyone then proceeded for breakfast at the Saddle Brook Diner. It was a great day to be patriots.
Submitted by:
Louis Quagliero