This is a wonderful organization, Post 166, Goose Creek has teamed up with to bring awareness and support to our female veterans.
Our Mission: to uplift female veterans by improving mental health through programmatic activities, providing a supportive community, & spearhead research to bridge the gaps in healthcare.
Our Story: She's the Veteran was first conceived in 2017 after the founder completed research finding "PTSD is both under-diagnosed and under-treated in the female veteran." Realizing research was limited, female veterans were often feeling isolated and unacknowledged, the organization was launched as a community in 2020 to improve these areas. Mental Health is the number one area of focus with improvement through programmatic activities, connecting women veterans together and conducting ongoing research. There are over 45,000 women veterans in the state of South Carolina and we are proud to be one of the very few women only organizations to serve them. Won't you join us in our mission? Pass this along to every woman veteran you know!
About Us: Our organization is composed of current Active Duty, Reserves, National Guard, ROTC, Students, Prior Service and Retired. We are focused on women only. There is no cost to "join", simply sign up for our newsletter! Scan this QR code to sign up: