American Legion Post 304 veterans connect with eighth-grade students at the Manhasset, N.Y., Middle School.
In honor of Veterans Day 2022, the eighth-grade students of the Manhasset Secondary School had the opportunity to hear directly from four veterans on Nov. 10.
Each class assembled at its usual scheduled time in the school library during the day to meet with the veterans and ask questions. Students decorated the library was decorated with posters, flags and other patriotic symbols. Guest veteran speakers included: Lionel Mailloux, M.D., Sylvia Arora, M.D., James T. Brooks and Donald O’Brien. Each guest discussed their branch of service. The students heard why we were in the military, what the military taught us and the vast number of career opportunities that are available through the military. There was a spirited question-and-answer period following the introduction. This patriotic event was a great way to honor the military men and women and allow the students to think about the courage and sacrifices veterans make. There were similar programs by the National Guard in the elementary schools.