The Lebanon Trail HS Navy National Defense Cadet Corps Color Guard was honored to post the nation’s colors at the Feb. 21, 2023, Frisco City Council Meeting. Since the colors are not frequently formally posted at council meetings, it was a special opportunity for the cadets.
The five-member guard posted the United States, Texas State and City of Frisco flags. Maj. Gary Billings, USMC (retired), senior military science instructor, assisted with pre-ceremony planning.
After the Pledges of Allegiance, Mayor Cheney invited Maj. Billings and Guard members to join him on the stage. Maj. Billings then provided a brief overview of the Cadet Corps program for the audience.
Shortly after the Frisco ISD Cadet Corps program was introduced, American Legion Post 178 began a strong supportive partnership. Post members Larry Wilhelm and Ed Reed assisted with event coordination. Special thanks to Holly McCall, senior administrative assistant to the City of Frisco mayor and council, for scheduling arrangements.