At 11:15 a.m. on Monday, Aug. 7, a bus transporting 10 residents of the Veterans Memorial Home in Vineland arrived at the doorstep of American Legion Post 331’s historic building in Stone Harbor, N.J. As the home’s caretakers were unloading wheelchairs and walkers, Post Senior Trustee Jon Ready and other post members were greeting the distinguished visitors. The visitors were then escorted by post members into the building, a restored 1895 Lifesaving Station. After a short welcome by post commander Tom McCullough, post members and visitors introduced themselves. The visiting veterans consisted of three World War II-era veterans, one of whom was 100 years old; one Korean era; and four Vietnam era, as well as two spouses of deceased veterans. McCullough had offered up the tour of the building and its museums as a field trip destination to the home’s Life Enrichment Assistant, RJ Morrison. After the introductions were made, the home’s residents were then given a guided tour of the building and its lifesaving and military museums by members Art Faint, Dick Pike and Ready. Those who could not climb the stairs to the military museum virtually toured it via a narrated video filmed by member Spence Jones. Lunch was served to the visitors by post members, and the remainder of the visit was spent in general conversation. The home’s residents were very pleased with their visit to the historic landmark.
American Legion Post 331 has continuously been a significant donator of the Vineland Veterans Memorial Home because of the generous donations from the residents of Cape May County, N.J. The motto “Veterans Serving Veterans” certainly applies to the members of Post 331 in Stone Harbor.