On November 4-5, 2023, The American Legion Department of Texas's Fifth District hosted Legion College Phases 1-3, held at Jack B. Swain Post 424 in Dallas.
Nineteen Legionnaires were willing to learn more about The American Legion. This group wasn’t shy. They asked questions, voiced their opinions, took notes and had discussions during their breaks, according to what the trainers observed.
The camaraderie of this diverse group of Legionnaires was unmatched. They learned together and shared ideas. The younger Legionnaires felt comfortable enough to share how they felt regarding how we can and should recruit and retain younger members.
Some attendees only needed a particular phase, while others needed all three. One attendee was a recent Legion College graduate, but because they wanted to be the very best when running for a higher position, they decided to take the training again. Some stated this training motivated them to run for office at their home post. Others, including one of the Trainers, now want to go even further in their learning by attending National Legion College.
The training was a complete success. Special thanks to Fifth District Commander Wilkerson for requesting the training, and to Commander Swope, the members and Auxiliary of Post 424 for their gracious hospitality.
Keep gaining knowledge, Legionnaires!