When Mary Garcia learned there were senior members of her community using their own food to feed their pets, she knew she had to do something. Mary C. Garcia, Commander of American Legion Post 21 of The Colony, Texas, attended a city council meeting in October where one of the speakers was Christine Herrera from Denton County Meals on Wheels. Her presentation indicated that Meals on Wheels recipients often forego eating their own meals to use the food to feed their pets instead. While Meals on Wheels is a non-profit program assisting seniors with food insecurities, there is no funding for pet nutrition. Senior Paws is a 100% donation-based program with a goal of supporting the needs of pet-owning Meals on Wheels clients.
When they learned about this situation, the Events Committee took this as a call to action and quickly organized a fundraiser at the annual Christmas party. Post 21 and Squadron 21 members, families and friends exhibited the spirit of giving by donating generously to a pet food drive and raffle for the Senior Paws program. Most veterans are animal lovers and understand the bond between pets and their owners for companionship and emotional support.
On December 21, 2023, Commander Garcia and member Karen Bruce presented the Denton County Meals on Wheels organization with a hefty supply of dog food, cat food, and a check for over $1,100. Mr. Max Calder, Director of Operations, was overwhelmed with gratitude. He said the donation to Senior Paws came at the perfect time as contributions were declining. Knowing that our senior citizens and their precious pets will find comfort and peace during the holidays is one small way the Post 21 family continues to fulfill our mission of service.