In recent years the membership of American Legion Post 168 in Beech Island, S.C., has slowly dwindled. The post, once a loud and boisterous place, full of veterans from World War II and Korea all true patriots. Age, battle wounds and health afflictions obtained during a lifetime of service to family and country meant fewer comrades, less fellowship and the realization that they could not maintain their post.
The post, however, is just a building, a meeting place. What makes a post are its members and Post 168 has always enjoyed the fellowship of all American Legion members. Fortunately, they have a strong bond with their colleagues at American Legion Post 97 in Jackson, S.C. Post 168 has retired its colors for the last time and joined ranks with Post 97.
Post 168 sold its post building and property, what the members did next is remarkable.
The sweat and blood of those proud members present and past built Post 168 finding a suitable place to use the proceeds from the sale of their property was never an issue. Every member of Post 168 is enrolled at the Charlie Norwood VA Medical Center. Families have shared the burden of grief for those passed away and shared the security they feel knowing that Charlie Norwood VA Medical Center has been there for them. What better way to honor those who have gone before but to support the health-care system that cared for them?
What better way to invest in the future of the country than to support the one institution whose only purpose is to care for those brave, honorable men and women who signed up and served?
On March 6, 2014, surviving members of Post 168 gave $10,000 to Charlie Norwood VA Medical Center. It was a special way to honor those past while passing the baton to the care givers of today and tomorrow. Tears aside, heads held high, honor served, and waiting for them with open arms, the men and women of American Legion Post 97.
From every veteran (38 percent of the staff at the Norwood VA Medical Center are veterans) and every staff member at our side we thank the brave men and women of American Legion Post 168. Your gift honors what you have given personally of yourself, what you have lost, the proud tradition of the American Legion and the United States American Armed Forces.
Charlie Norwood VA Medical Center