(L-R) National Commander Seehafer is welcomed by Post 331 Commander McCullough and New Jersey National Representative O'Grady


American Legion National Commander visits Post 331 in Stone Harbor, N.J.

Stone Harbor, NJ

On Friday, June 14, 2024, The American Legion National Commander, Daniel J. Seehafer, visited the Stephen C. Ludlam American Legion Post 331 in Stone Harbor, N.J. He had recently returned from taking part in the D-Day memorial events in Normandy, France. This was the second time in four years that a National Commander has visited the post. There are 13,000 American Legion posts worldwide, with nearly 2 million members. In the company of the commander were Gene O'Grady, the alternate New Jersey representative to the American Legion National Executive Committee, Chuck Robbins, the Department of New Jersey representative, and the commander's aide, Mike Rohan, who is also the spouse of the former National Commander, Denise Rohan. Post 331’s building, a restored 1895 U.S. Lifesaving Station, is on the State and National Registers of Historic Places and has been featured in the March 2024 edition of The American Legion Magazine.

Commander Seehafer received a curbside welcome from Post 331 Commander Thomas McCullough. Members Dick Pike and Bill Lehman gave Commander Seehafer a tour of the historic building and its museums. After the tour, Commander McCullough showed him all the improvements that had been made to the building and grounds as a result of two recent grants from the Home Depot Foundation. Commander McCullough enumerated the significant donations we make to veterans' causes each year. Then, he presented Commander Seehafer with an engraved paver, which will be installed in our walkway of memories in commemoration of his visit. He was also presented with a Post 331 cap and Post Commander’s coin. The visit ended with the two commanders cutting the welcome cake and sharing coffee with the local Legionnaires in attendance. Craig Miller took a photograph to commemorate the visit.

National Commander Seehafer and Post Commander McCullough cut welcoming cake with local Legionnaires in background

(L-R) National Commander Seehafer with Post 331 Presentation Paver, New Jersey National Representative O'Grady and Post Commander McCullough
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