The chaplains from American Legion Post 75, DAV Chapter 58, VFW Post 8252 and Marine Corps League Middle Peninsula Detachment 1317 with Post 75 Commander Dr. David Workman.


Two Virginia posts participate in Four Chaplains ceremony

Gloucester, VA

Both American Legion Post 75 of Gloucester, Va., and American Legion Post 83 of Mathews, Va., participated in the annual Four Chaplains ceremony on Saturday, Feb. 1.

The remembrance was held at Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church in Gloucester.

The nearly 50 people in attendance honored the sacrifices that Lt. Alexander Good, Lt. George Fox, Lt. Clark Poling and. Lt. John Washington made on their lives to save personnel aboard the U. S. Army transport Dorchester on Feb. 3, 1943.

The event had the posting of the colors by the Gloucester High School NJROTC; the Pledge of Allegiance by Post 75 Sgt.-At-Arms Mike McKee; an invocation; a POW/MIA Table; New Collect from Post 83 Commander Tim Roscher; a welcome and introduction of the keynote speaker by Post 75 Commander Dr. David Workman; a tribute to the Four Chaplains from Post 75, DAV Chapter 58, VFW Post 8252 and Marine Corps League Middle Peninsula Detachment 1317; an Angel Flight video, a benediction, retirement of the colors by the Gloucester High School NJROTC, Taps by Derrick Day from VFW Post 8252 and a luncheon.

The keynote speaker was Grace Covenant Pastor Jesse Hill. Pastor Hill talked about the bravery of the Four Chaplains. They went beyond courage and toward love to save folks on Dorchester. He compared the four gentlemen's courage to Jesus. The Four Chaplains saved out of love; Jesus saved us out of love. The Four Chaplains saved those men on Dorchester so they could do the job they were meant to do.

The Four Chaplains service ceremony normally takes place on the first Saturday in February.

Attendees for the Four Chaplains service.

Posting of the colors by the Gloucester High School NJROTC.

Post 75 Commander Workman.,

New Collect by Post 83 Commander Tim Roscher.

Keynote speaker Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church Pastor Jesse Hill.

Tribute to the Four Chaplains by Post 75 Chaplain Robert Berry.

Retiring of the colors by the Gloucester High School NJROTC.
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