On Tuesday evening, Aug. 4, the American Legion Post 66 Honor Guard hosted a dinner for scholarship recipients and family members at the post in Hiawatha, Kan. The seven students and Brandon Hurn, 2015 American Legion Boys State attendee, brought parents and grandparents for the pulled pork dinner served by Post 66 members. Following the meal, a program was moderated by Jim Patton and John Howard, 1967 graduates of Hiawatha High School. The scholarship recipients will transition into various colleges that include: Kansas State University; Kansas University; Highland Community College; Missouri Western; and Johnson Community College. The graduates introduced themselves, their guests (family and friends), and spoke about their opportunities to further their education to obtain their career objectives. Brandon Hurn will be a senior at Hiawatha High School and pointed out that his father and grandfather had previously attended the weeklong Boys State program during their early development years.
Scholarship recipients unable to attend the annual Post 66 event were graduates: Kyle Becker and Kelly Lehew (both of Horton, Kan.); Regan Gibson of Doniphan West High School; and Rylee Leupold of Hiawatha. Individuals pictured, starting left to right: Brandon Hurn (2015 Boys State Delegate); Jacob Ross-Hiawatha; Spencer De Los Santos-Horton; Tynan Bollinger-Doniphan West; Mitchell Meyer-Hiawatha; Payton Trosclair-Hiawatha; Taylor Jacobsen-Hiawatha; and Conner Winters.