American Legion Homer White Post 66 of Hiawatha, Kan., reserved three days to honor those who served and those who are still serving their country while also educating area youth about the history, traditions and proper etiquette of our nation's flag.
The Post 66 members started Monday morning, two days prior to Veterans Day, visiting veterans at the Maple Heights Nursing Center in Hiawatha. The program included music, speeches by Post 66 officers and acknowledgment of several veterans living at the home. Monday night, members of Post 66 spoke to area Cub Scouts about the values our flag represents, and educated them about the customs of proper flag display and care as well as why we maintain those valued traditions.
Tuesday evening, the day before Veterans Day, Post 66 members assembled with the staff of the 2-130th Field Artillery of the Kansas National Guard for their annual Veterans Day dinner and program at the Hiawatha National Guard Armory to recognize local veterans and active servicesmembers. There were over 100 veterans, active duty, Auxiliary members and their families in attendance for the evening meal and ceremonies. William Vonderschmidt, Col., U.S. Army (ret.) and member of Post 66, stood as master of ceremonies and introduced Brig. Gen. Alexander Duckworth as the honored guest speaker.
Post 66 finalized their activities on Veterans Day with a program held at Hiawatha Middle School. Attending the ceremony and luncheon, provided by the school, were the students, teachers, staff and 24 veterans, family members of some of the students. In recognition of the school's efforts throughout many years of demonstrating traits and characteristics above expectations of honoring veterans, they were presented with a 48-star flag for display at the school. Pictured above is Levern Dunavan (L) and Sam Schuetz, Post 66 adjutant (R), presenting the flag.