Otho Morgan Post 17 partnered with Mike Castleberry to host a “BACK THE BLUE” Helping Hands Jam on Aug. 19 to raise money and show their support to the Greenville Police Department. Mike Castleberry, along with Larry K. Barney, Thomas Chaney, Geary Cason and Blake Pressley, played good ole' rock and blues. The post served BBQ brisket sandwiches and conducted a raffle and auction. The proceeds from the event went to the Greenville Police Department. “You guys do so much for us by putting your lives on the line every day; we want to show our support for you,” said George Dierking, Post 17 commander. That is exactly what happened - the Legion and the citizens of Greenville came together and were able to raise $1,508 from the auction and raffle. “We want to thank everyone involved, from our sponsors who donated gift cards and baked goods to the officers and volunteer staff who organized the event,” said George. The American Legion along with Mike Castleberry will be hosting another Helping Hands Jam on Sept. 23 from 8 to 11 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend.