Every three months the Greenville Chamber of Commerce hosts a Quarterly Luncheon for its members. In the spirit of giving, the Chamber of Commerce invited a few of its nonprofit members to speak at their luncheon held on Dec. 2 at the Landon Winery. Among the invited speakers was Otho Morgan American Legion Post 17; they were asked to explain their organization's mission and the type of help needed for them to succeed. Jason Castleberry, who spoke on behalf of the Legion, explained the vast history of Post 17 along with its signature program, Boys State, to the audience. Every year Post 17 sends students to both Boys and Girls State. Last year the post sent eight students to this prestigious program. Boys State has provided the students college and scholarship opportunities that they may not have received had it not been for their attendance in Boys State. “We value our partnership with the Chamber of Commerce. The opportunity to explain a great program like Boys State to the business leaders in our community is just one of the many reasons we are involved.” Castleberry said. Nonprofit organizations cannot rely solely on their members to finance every program. Post 17 believes that by partnering with other groups like the Chamber of Commerce, they can build stronger bonds within their community and accomplish the goals of The American Legion by supporting veterans, their families and the community.