I have been collecting military patches since the 1950s. I was in the Army from 1957 to ’59, trained as a lineman in Georgia. I was in the Active Reserves until 1962, serving in the heavy artillery division training on the 8-inch towed Howitzer. I was an assistant gunner. I spent a lot of time at Camp McCoy in Wisconsin. I am a life member of the Sandusky, Mich., American Legion Post 369.
I spent several hours over the years searching for military patches. Many came from other veterans; some I found at flea markets, garage sales or estate sales. I was always interested in the historical meanings of the patches. There are a few patches with the white star from the 6th Army Division; those guys were out in the South Pacific during WWII. There is one patch on there from the 101st Airborne Division, “the Screaming Eagles.” The patch for the 7th Division Army Artillery has the letter A with steps up the sides; that division was known as the “Pyramid of Power.” Military patches tell a story for each veteran and where they were during a war and what their division’s role was. This quilt has over 400 patches on it. They denote the bravery and accomplishments of those men and women who fought for When I look at my quilt, I remember, with pride, one of the most difficult jobs I ever had in my life. It takes me back to my Army days and the hard work, specialized training, and the knowledge that my division might go to war. I was one of the fortunate guys, I didn’t see combat. I was prepared our country’s freedoms.
for it since I earned the designation of Expert Marksman. My time of service was at the end of the Korean War and before the heavy fighting of the Vietnam War. Every one of us, every branch of the military is ready to fight for our country. I was one of the lucky guys who came back home; not all of my Army buddies did.
This quilt represents to me the honor and pride I have for our U.S. military. Every one of us was willing to pay for freedom with our life if necessary, and many veterans did. This quilt displays my tremendous respect and thankfulness for my freedom as a United States citizen.