On Thursday evening, Aug. 31, an appreciation dinner was held at the Silver Lake, Minn., American Legion honoring all World War II veterans currently living in McLeod County. The 14 World War II veterans pictured above were able to attend and ranged in age from 91 to 97. The idea for this event came from Eddie Lamott, a Post 141 member, and one of the World War II veterans in attendance. The dinner was a great success, and many of the veterans present and their families expressed gratitude for bringing them all together.
Front Row (L-R): Marvin Fenstrom, Arnold Oie, Victor Ide, Donald Splettstazer, Howard Ackerson
Back Row(L-R): Leroy Gehrke, Donald Rasmussen, Wallace Warnke, George Beihoffer, David Plath, Edwin LaMott, John Wendolek, Charles Burich, Milo Ziemann