On Monday evening, March 12, 2018, Legion Family members from Dyer-Gunnell Post 180 attended the Town of Vienna, Va.'s Town Council meeting, where Mayor Laurie DiRocco gave a proclamation declaring April Children and Youth Month.
Clara Gilbert, Auxiliary Unit 180’S Children and Youth chair, initiated this effort and worked alongside Department of Virginia Children and Youth Chairman Lisa Chaplin and Town Clerk Melanie Clark, who both assisted with the wording.
Post 180 Commander Jason Feimster accompanied Clara, along with Auxiliary Unit 180 President Margaret Dellinger and Department of Virginia’s Children and Youth Committee and Auxiliary member Diana Miller to this meeting, as a show of support for the work that was accomplished.
DiRocco read the proclamation with the Town Council approving it shortly after. “It’s humbling to have the support of our hometown,” said Feimster. “Especially when honoring such an important Legion program as Children and Youth.”