TN Post3 celebrated the 99th Birthday of The American Legion on March 16, 2018, with a birthday party and short post meeting. Several guests attended along with family members of some of our post veterans. The event was highlighted with the donation from our local Food City Market with a beautiful red, white and blue birthday cake. Post Commander Gary Stidham had the honors of cutting the cake. As part of the celebration and our contribution toward the Centennial Celebration, Post 3 is conducting flag education classes in Sullivan County Middle School's 5th grade. To date 2 schools have been visited with a total of 120 5th graders watching the "For Which It Stands" flag video, and a session of practicing folding American flags. Each student receives a copy of "I Pledge Allegiance," "Our Country’s Flag," and an official Legion left-shoulder American flag patch. We have 2 more schools to visit with a total of 188 more 5th graders to go through the instruction. The post is very appreciative of the Sullivan County Board of Education for allowing the Legion to share in our history, flag and our great country.