What are we here to do as an American Legion post? We are here to make a difference! Whether you are helping a veteran in need or providing a scholarship, The American Legion should be making a difference in the communities they reside in. This was never more evident than when the Royse City post heard about a young couple who had their baby prematurely due to complications.
Dustin and Laurie Dillard had been excited when their third child was on the way. Laurie was diagnosed with anemia during the second trimester and cholestasis of pregnancy around the beginning of the third trimester, along with signs of pre-term labor. Cholestasis of pregnancy is a condition in which the mother’s liver doesn’t filter toxins correctly and releases them into her bloodstream, which can be fatal to the baby. After the first visit to the specialist, things went downhill from there. Her situation suddenly became very alarming when the amniotic fluid levels had increased significantly over a week and the baby’s heart rate was fluctuating. With the help of a high-resolution sonogram, the specialist was able to see the severity of the baby's situation and Laurie was sent immediately to the OR for an emergency C-section, four weeks before the baby’s due date.
The baby boy, Jacob, was born severely anemic. The doctors believe he was hemorrhaging back into his mother’s body. He has been given several blood transfusions to increase his red blood cell count. Like things weren't bad enough, an echocardiogram determined that his heart was not pumping enough blood to his lungs, so he was put on nitric oxide to dilate the vessels in his lungs. So the doctors decided to deliver baby Jacob early.
The family reached out to The American Legion. unsure where to turn to. When the post heard of the situation they stepped right in and created a gofundme page and almost immediately donations came in. Within a week the post raised $3,500 for the family to pay for the medical bills.
Baby Jacob is now doing much better and is home with his family. They are still testing his functions to ensure everything is good, but his lungs are strong and the family is hopeful.