Lawrence Roy served Post 129 as adjutant starting in 1995, and after 23 years retired from the position. Genio Colasacco was Post 129 adjutant from 1974-1995, for 21 years; and Arthur (Red) Alcott was Post 129 adjutant from 1919-1974, for 55 years. Arthur was a founder and charter member of Post 129 in 1919, just after World War I. Red, as he was called, was mayor of Stillwater, Okla., for 12 years, starting in 1949, longer than any other individual mayor. Post 129 was named after Carter C. Hanner, who died in World War I and Mamon G. Sharp, who died in World War II. Only 3 different post adjutants have served during the 100-plus years from 1919.
Lawrence started his military career as a private in 1946 with the National Guard in Tishomingo, Okla. He served two years on active duty with the famed Oklahoma 45th Infantry Division during the Korean War as a combat infantryman. Lawrence progressed through all the enlisted ranks and served as 1st sgt. on active duty in Japan and Korea. Roy was an active member of the Oklahoma National Guard for over 35 years, receiving the following decorations and awards: Combat Infantryman's Badge, Legion of Merit, Army Meritorious Service Award, Oklahoma Meritorious Service Medal and many others. He served in numerous staff and command positions in the Guard, retiring as commanding general of the 45th Infantry Brigade in 1983. In 1953, while serving in the National Guard, he joined The American Legion, serving for over 65 years.
During those 65 years, Lawrence has served 3 terms as Post 129 commander, in 1973-1974, 1990-1991 and 1993-1994, and has served in almost all of the other post positions. One of his proudest accomplishments was serving for 19 years as chairman of the American Legion Stillwater Baseball program. In 1986-1987 Lawrence served as the Oklahoma commander for The American Legion. Lawrence also served as national vice commander in 1991–1992, and assumed an area of responsibility of 14 southern states. Lawrence continued serving the state of Oklahoma by being the Oklahoma department National Executive Committeeman (NEC) for 8 years (1993-2001). Lawrence was also the chairman of several Oklahoma department committees including Counter Subversion, Legislative, Military Affairs and Americanism.
Lawrence is a graduate of Oklahoma A&M College with a BS degree in agriculture, and received a BA degree from Southeastern. Lawrence Roy and his wife, Jolene, have been married for over 50 years, have seven children and 28 grandchildren. He was employed for 36 years with the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service, an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, retiring in June 1986. and became active in a construction equipment business of which he was a part owner.
Hanner-Sharp American Legion Post 129 had a special dinner to honor Lawrence Roy’s retirement on Dec. 6, 2018. Honored guests to Lawrence’s retirement included Bobby Bryant, past national vice commander, Jimmy Ching, Oklahoma commander of The American Legion, Don Roane, Oklahoma Vice Commander West, and Jerry Ball, Legion member of Oklahoma Veterans Commission. Of course, Jolene Roy has been an important person who has supported Lawrence in all his Legion duties over the years, and she was presented beautiful flowers during the ceremony. A beautiful wall plaque was also presented to Lawrence Roy, as well as numerous presentations from the 50 participants at the dinner.
Although Lawrence Roy has retired from the position of adjutant of Post 129, he has stated, “I am only a member of the American Legion organization, made up of veterans who have served their country and I intend to continue to serve as an individual to help veterans.” Post 129 meets the first Thursday of the month at 611 S. Main, Stillwater, Okla.