As adjutant for Post 300, San Antonio, I was in the right place at the right time! As adjutant, I am responsible for several aspects of Legion membership. One day I received a call from a disabled vet who was interested in visiting our post. Because he was legally blind, he had no way to get there. Because I use a wheelchair and am lucky enough to own a specialized van, I often offer rides to anyone needing transportation .
So, one day we got together and I drove him out to our post. While there he was introduced to several members (one of which was my brother Calvin), enjoyed a beverage and conversations (tall tales) with like-minded individuals. I guess we proved to be 'good folks' because not long after he became a member of our post.
What I didn't know at the time was that he was one of the few people belonging to the Five Branches Club! Yes, he had been honorably discharged from the Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard and Marine Corps during his career. His name is Kenneth Wayne Graham.
He was recently honored by our city mayor and county judge.
His full story can be found at