Feb. 23, 2021, is the one-year anniversary of the dedication of the Chaplain Monument to all chaplains who served on Iwo Jima. Next to it stands a monument to all military corpsmen who served on Iwo Jima. Both monuments stand next to the Iwo Jima Monument that stands on the town line of Newington/New Britain.
On Sunday, Feb. 23, 2020, a ceremony was held at the Iwo Jima Monument by families and friends along with veterans from across the area of Iwo Jima survivors. The monuments were dedicated by Rear Adm. Gregory N. Todd, chaplain of the U.S. Marine Corps and Deputy Chief of the U.S. Navy. Todd also attended the ceremony as the special speaker. The event was filmed by the Marine Corps filming crew.
These monuments, along with the Iwo Jima Monument, were built with the help of past members of American Legion Post 2.
Iwo Jima survivor Joe Caminiti, along with other survivors, was interviewed that day. Joe's interview was used to promote the event as part of National Iwo Jima Survivors.