On March 14, 2021, Fountain Hills American Legion Post 58 honored seven of our 14 WWII veterans and will honor more in the future. It was a beautiful day for the ceremony and we had a great turnout. DJ Ed played WWII songs and we had several key leaders from the community and state, attend including Congressman David Schweikert, State Rep. John Kavanagh, American Legion Department Commander Ken Queen, American Legion Membership Officer Ben Headen, Department American Legion Adjutant Angel Juarez, Mayor Ginny Dickey and former Mayor Linda Kavanagh. Honoring these veterans held special meaning to all the veterans who attended. The seven WWII veterans were awarded Grateful Appreciation Medals and/or Valor Medals. The WWII veterans present are in order from left to right:
Howard Asher, U.S Navy, Leroy Doranzo, U.S. Navy, Donald Gibbs, U.S. Army, Lloyd Howard, U.S. Navy, Jack Wiggins, U.S. Army, Eugene Metcalfe, U.S. Army, Alonzo Shattuck, U.S. Army.