The American Legion Post 178 color guard has been in high demand in 2021. Its participation in events during 2020 was almost nonexistent because of the pandemic. But as COVID-19 restrictions have eased, requests to present the nation’s colors have increased dramatically.
The guard maintains a remarkably busy schedule for presenting the nation’s colors in Frisco and surrounding communities at numerous events, such as grand openings, ballgames, schools, holidays, community events and American Legion functions. Its honor guard performs funerals and memorial services for area veterans and members of Post 178 upon request of the family. It also is qualified to perform services at the DFW National Cemetery.
The guard was formed in 2014, the same year Post 178 was chartered. It currently has 12 members who fill various positions: flags, rifles, bugle, saber and detail leader. In 2020 because of COVID-19, the number of events was reduced to 10. The number of events was 40 and 58 in 2019 and 2018, respectively. In May 2020 only one event was completed, however eight were completed in May 2021. The number of events should return to normal levels in 2022.
Besides time dedicated to scheduled events, practice is held monthly. Additionally, members pay more than half of the $400 in uniform costs. The post also has a service flag detail that presents the flags of the United States services and averages three to four events per year.
Post 178 is proud of its color/honor guard. It provides services at no cost, but accepts donations and welcomes interested parties to contact Color Guard Captain Larry Wilhelm at To learn more visit