BRISTOL – American Legion Post 209’s “Fourth of July Barbecue Bash” with Southside Meat Market has proven to be the post's most successful fundraiser ever and will now become an annual tradition.
Brian Avery, commander of Post 209, said that 2,455 tickets were sold in total at locations throughout Bristol including Southside Meat Market, One Fifty Central, Family Roots Produce Market and City True Value.
“I personally want to thank everyone who helped us with this fundraiser, especially Southside Meat Market,” said Avery. “We look forward to working with Southside Meat Market and making this a yearly tradition.”
Avery said that he was “ecstatic” to partner with Southside Meat Market on this fundraiser.
“One of our goals is to help local businesses here in Bristol,” he said. “When we approached the owners, Sammy and Steve, they told us that they were very excited to help us out and be involved. They were one of the main ticket sellers for this fundraiser and ended up selling 20 ticket booklets.”
The winning tickets of the fundraiser raffle were drawn at Southside Meat Market with members of Post 209 and the owners of the market.
Kathleen Bonaccorso won first place and will receive $300 worth of items from Southside Meat Market. “M. Falcone” won second place and will receive a $150 gift card to the market. Finally, the third-place ticket for a $50 gift card was drawn by Sammy Vasile, one of the owners at Southside.
“When we pulled his ticket, he turned beet red and just started laughing,” said Avery.
Avery has reached out to the other winners, who will be able to pick up their prizes at Southside Meat Market to enjoy this Fourth of July weekend.
“I want to congratulate the three winners; thank you and enjoy your summer,” he said.
Brian M. Johnson can be reached at