Small in stature but mighty in his accomplishments, my stepfather only had two principles by which he lived: "It's never over till it's over" and "To thine own self be true." George Grinnell was a World War II B-17 navigator and went on to serve in the Pentagon, eventually retiring as a lieutenant colonel.
When he suddenly passed at the age of 82, my mother took it very hard. I was the only shoulder she had to lean on, but I knew I would soon have to leave and get back to my own life. I sought a way for her to focus her memories on the good times they had shared together and provide her with a way to honor and reflect on her life with George.
It suddenly dawned on me how I could help, and I set about creating a memorial to help her through her grief. I called the piece I created a Commorial, to commemorate and memorialize the memory of George. My mother found comfort in lighting the candle below her favorite picture of George and reflecting on the sentiment, "Fallen But Not Forgotten." I realized then that the Commorials could benefit others who had lost a loved one, and so I continued to create special pieces for every branch of the service, first responders and anyone dealing with the pain of grief.
Below are some of the more recent Commorials I have created to honor the memory of fallen heroes and first responders. Check out my Facebook page at