Our American Legion Post 38 in Clover, S.C., has never had an Auxiliary. One man and his wife ran both the Legion and the VFW posts here; I stepped up (JJ Mattingly, past four-year commander of the York County Veterans Advisory Council) to relieve him as Post 38 commander in early 2021, because our Clover VFW commander's wife was diagnosed with terminal cancer. He is John Hill, his wife is Phyllis. She was given less than a year to live. Despite the rigors of experimental chemo, Phyllis, my wife Crystalen and others successfully established a new American Legion Auxiliary for Clover!
Here's the special part. When we last met on Dec. 2, the Hills announced that Phyllis' cancer had disappeared! We had all been praying, but Praise Jesus a miracle appeared, just in time for Christmas.
I mentioned it to our Congressman Ralph Norman, and the next day he called and offered to read this miracle into the Congressional Record, to become a part of the National Archives and presented to the Hills.
God bless him, Rep. Norman will be at St Paul's Methodist Church on St. Paul Church Rd., Clover, on Jan. 6 at 7 p.m. to present this award, along with the SC American Legion Auxiliary leaders from Columbia to present the new Clover Post 38 Auxiliary charter, an equally impressive near-miracle achievement.
I hope all our members and friends can be there - this is a very special gift from God to celebrate. So far we have no response from the media; I hope that changes.