I hope someone can help me with this, or lead me in the right direction. My last assignment (1970) while on active duty was assigned to the decommissioning crew of USS Willis A Lee ( DL- 4) Boston dry dock. While removing some lockers in the crew forward berthing compartment I found an old hat, the type worn from World War II till the 1950s, I believe; I have heard them referred to as Donald Duck hats. It was very dusty and dirty but when I cleaned it up it was in surprisingly good condition after so many years residing behind those lockers. The name stenciled inside the hat, although hard to read, is J.E. McGlyne ID #210 57 70 or very close to that. See attached picture of the hat .
I have always wanted to return the hat to the family of my shipmate - I'm sure they would value it as I do. All my efforts over the years, including those of my nephew while at Annapolis, have been stopped by red tape put in place to protect the privacy of the enlisted personnel.
I would be honored if this search would lead to the family and being able to return this valued family heirloom to its rightful owners during my lifetime.
Yours truly,
Edward G Ferrara EM 2
USN Vietnam Veteran