My father, Eugene Nelson Eddleton, turns 100 on June 6. He served as an infantry soldier in World War II and was part of the Army's 6th Infantry Division, seeing action in New Guinea and the Philippines. His highest rank was that of staff sergeant. He is a member of American Legion Post 244 in Glen Allen, Va. He goes by his middle name of Nelson.
His home address is:
Eugene Nelson Eddleton
11386 Elmont Road
Ashland, VA 23005
I'm sure he would appreciate a birthday card. We are planning a party two days before his birthday, on June 4 at the VFW in our hometown.
Also, the Virginia War Memorial videotaped part of his wartime story in 2002. We have copies of the video if it would be of interest.
Thank you for all the good work you do.
Joan C. Eddleton