The Lebanon Trail High School Navy National Defense Cadet Corps (NNDCC) held their 1st Annual award ceremony on May 10, 2022. Maj. Gary Billings, USMC (retired), senior naval science Instructor, invited American Legion Post 178 members to attend.
Delbert Parsons, Post 178 commander, Larry Wilhelm. Executive Committee member and color guard captain, and Ed Reed, vice commander-public relations, attended the ceremony and presented an award to an outstanding cadet. Cadet PO3 Grace Yang was awarded the American Legion Peter J. Courcy Post 178 Scholastic Excellence Award. After graduating from Wakeland High School later this month, Yang will attend the United States Military Academy in the fall.
Parsons also presented an American Legion flag to Billings. The flag will be hung in the naval science classroom along with the United States and Texas flags.
Billings established the Frisco ISD NNDCC program in 2021. The mission of the Cadet Corps is to motivate young people to become better citizens and effective leaders. The teaching goals of both the NNDCC and Post 178 Americanism programs have identical focuses: leadership, teamwork, personal responsibility, a sense of accomplishment and service to the nation. American values and patriotism are also highlighted in both programs.