On Sunday, 9/11, American Legion Post 166 held our annual remembrance of those persons lost during the terrorist attacks that took place in three different locations.
Post 166 was one of 75 sites chosen across the country for the 9/11 Day Flag of Honor Across America Memorials, Sept. 11, 2022.
Each site took responsibility for honoring 65 lives taken during the attacks.
The event was attended by active-duty military, law enforcement, several patriotic motorcycle groups including our own American Legion Riders and the Patriot Guard, fire department, school groups, civic groups and Scout troops.
Two choruses provided music for the event. Each name was read in turn, with a periodic tolling of the bell as each person completed his list of names.
The Honor Banner, provided by the national sponsors of the event AmeriCorps and Global Youth Justice, was escorted by an impressive parade of law enforcement and motorcyclists onto the post property. As it turned onto the street of the Legion, it passed under an American flag suspended from a fire department tower truck as a sign of respect.
The banner was designed specifically for 9/11 and contains the names of all the victims who perished in the attacks.
At the front entrance to the Legion building, it was met by the honor guard of American Legion Post 166 and a flag line made up of bikers. As they pulled up, there were so many motorcycles it made the entire building vibrate from the rumble.
The honor guard, comprising two rifle bearers and one flag bearer, received the banner and respectfully entered the building to start the ceremony. The flag bearer was Air Force veteran David Perez, who at the time of the attack was a deputy sheriff in New York City and was boots on the ground shortly after the buildings fell.
The banner and riflemen joined the remainder of the honor guard inside, where colors were posted in place to start the ceremony.
Post Chaplain William Streuber did an amazing job as master of ceremonies, as did Americanism Chairman Lee Swerczek, who spent the last several months assembling all the moving parts.
After the ceremony, a flag disposal ceremony was held including various Scouting groups as flag bearers.
See link below.