Peters Colony Elementary School students and teachers went all out to show veterans in The Colony, Texas, that they are loved and appreciated. The school held their 3rd Annual Drive-by Parade on Veterans Day, Nov. 11, 2022.
Despite the cold front that blew in the day before, the students and staff lined the school grounds waving handmade posters, drawings and little American flags.
Post 21 led the charge of local veterans. They rode in the back of pickups, in convertibles, on motorcycles, and veteran Roger Terry even pedaled a three-wheeled bike with his dog Missy riding shotgun in a basket. Post 21 members circled the school to cheers of “USA!” and “Thank you, veterans!” as the students did their best to render salutes.
A touching moment was seeing young Colton Reynolds wearing his Sons of The American Legion hat and waving his sign. Colton is a member of Squadron 21 in honor of his great-grandfather who served in the U.S. Army Air Corps in World War II.
Post 21 Commander Mary Garcia said, “When our youth invite us to events like this, it is our responsibility to show up so they can see us as veterans and role models. It’s also a huge morale booster for all our veterans.”
The outside temperature might have been in the 40s, but the hearts of the veterans were warmed with the overwhelming love they felt from Peters Colony Elementary.