It was a beautiful day, warm and sunny with a light breeze blowing, when Wilkins-Cloues-Bigelow-Pearson Post 39, American Legion, Warner, presented its annual Memorial Day program May 27, 2013.
The ceremony began with the retiring and replacement of the American flag at the post, by Commander Charlie Trowbridge with the assistance of Cub Scout Aidyn O’Donnell. A parade was led by the Post 39 color guard, other members of Post 39 to the Soldier's Monument on Kearsarge Mountain Road, accompanied by Cub Scout Pack 67 of Warner and the Kearsarge Regional High School Band.
At the monument, Ted Young, past Post 39 commander, said a prayer and laid a wreath to honor those veterans who had given their lives for our country.
The procession then marched to the Town Hall where the American flag flying in front of the Town Hall was retired and replaced by a new one by Trowbridge with the assistance of O’Donnell.
Local residents were invited into the Town Hall where Trowbridge welcomed a crowd of over 100. Pastor Bob Wyand from the United Church of Warner gave the invocation, followed by the Cub Scouts leading the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Trowbridge then introduced the speaker for the program, Paul Bordeleau, who served as a telephone operator for Gens. Bradley and Patton in Europe during World War II and related some of his wartime experiences.
Bordeleau is an accomplished musician and rendered one of the songs that he has composed and received a standing ovation from the audience.
Patriotic songs were then sung, accompanied by pianist Edith Daigle. The benediction was offered by Wyand, and then the Legionnaires, Cub Scouts and townspeople assembled along with the band for a march to Pine Grove Cemetery. A brief memorial service and rifle salute ensued at the cemetery and Ted Young placed a wreath on the grave of a departed veteran. The band played "Taps" at this service.
The marchers then proceeded to North Village Road and the Warner River at Ela Bridge where another brief memorial service and Rifle Salute was rendered. Young then tossed a wreath of flowers into the river to honor service personnel buried at sea. "Taps" was played again.