For the third year in a row, The American Legion Matthew Blount Post 555 “Triple Nickel” and Shelby County Sport Shooting Association (SCSSA) Junior Shooters won 1st place in the Commander’s Cup event on Saturday, March 4, 2023 at the Anniston Civilian Marksman Program (CMP). There were six teams competing and this team sponsored by the “Triple Nickel” had a tremendous showing of talent for both the “Precision” and “Sporters” teams. Several key leaders from The American Legion Department of Alabama were in attendance; Commander Buddy Keen, Sr. Vice Commander Charles Marsh, and Jr. Vice Commander Don Madden. The Past Commander of Matthew Blount Post 555, Barry Blount, was also present and very proud of how the “Triple Nickel” performed.
The “Precision” shooters won 1st and 4th places in the team event, and the “Precision” individual places were won by sponsored members of The American Legion Matthew Blount Post 555 as follows: 1st place Carley Seabrooke, 2nd place Bryce Newman, and 3rd place Emily Buck.
The “Sporters” are a group of dedicated young shooters who represented themselves, the SCSSA, and the “Triple Nickel” very well. Their names are Lainey Bowden, Maggie Bailey, Jenna Huggins, and Tessa Huggins. They were safe, handled their rifles and equipment properly and with care, learned a lot while exhibiting good sportsmanship, and above all, had fun.
With this competition also a qualifier for the 3-Position Air Rifle Junior Olympics, Carley Seabrooke and Marley Bowden made the “cut-score” (584 points or better) for individual invitations. The 1st place “Precision” team scored a total of 2325 points which exceeded the “cut-score” of 2280 to receive an invitation to the Nationals. A team invite means they can skip the Regionals and take five shooters to the CMP National Championship in July at Camp Perry, Ohio. This event offers scholarships as well as having college coaches present. It was a great event from start to finish, and congratulations again to the “Triple Nickel” shooters for their third win in a row of the Commander’s Cup (they did win another event several years ago to make a total of four wins)!!!