My name is Rudolph R. Robinson, past commander of George S. Patton Jr. Tank Corps Post 19, Washington, D.C. I have been a member for over 30 years. I am writing to inform you of an amazing story. My son Timothy Robinson is also an American Legion member. He entered the U.S. Army on Oct. 16, 1984, after passing the MEPS. He shipped out to basic training that same day at Fort Benning, Ga. During training he injured his feet because the boots that were issued was too tight, causing his feet to blister, bleed and swell. He had to go on sick call several times for problems with his feet. During training he was assaulted (beaten up) because he couldn't keep up with the other soldiers because of his feet. They tried to make him quit, but he didn't They would throw a blanket over his head and beat him up at night while calling him names. The Army doctors examined his feet but never X-rayed them, and stated they were going to release him because of the problems with his feet. They stated if he continued training it would only worsen his condition. On Feb. 2, 1985, he was discharged; his DD 214 showed the reason for discharge was failure to meet induction standards. It was stated that an Entry Physical Standards Board determined that my son had a pre-existing foot condition prior to entering the Army. Art pointed out that no surgery could be performed on a minor (17 years of age) without the parents' consent. The Supreme Court of the State of Maryland require parental consent be given prior to any minor having surgery. There are exceptions, but my son was not one of them.
Arthur C. Timmins is God-sent. He noted two bogus documents that were placed into my son's military medical records without his knowledge, causing him to be denied VA benefits for 40 years. Thank God for Art C. Timmins, senior veterans disability claims specialist for The American Legion. Art has given my son HOPE. He no longer talks about suicide, he wants to live and no longer be homeless. He is due VA benefits from Feb. 2, 1985, to the present. Thank you so much, Art, for all you have done. The Robinson family loves you, my brother.; you have saved our son.