80 Years-Normandy Invasion
It was a day to remember,
A defining moment for the Allies,
The most important battle of World War II,
Everyone was praying; church bells were ringing,
General Eisenhower had it all planned out,
That day at 6:30 AM
Our Allied Troops stormed the beaches of Normandy,
Naval and Air Strikes
A Bombing that went on for days,
Brave, young men gave their lives that day,
For freedom, for liberty, for human rights,
And to forever end anti-Semitism
Our Allied Troops stopped a madman from taking over the world,
They put an end to his evil,
God Bless All Those Allied Soldiers
Who Landed On The Beaches Of Normandy-
The Americans, The British, The Canadians,
The Australians, and the New Zealanders-God Bless Them All!!!
Celine Rose Mariotti