My book "Secrets of the Vietnam Civil War" was researched and written following the 50th anniversary of the withdrawal of all U.S. combat forces from the Republic of Vietnam Treaty agreed to in 1973. U.S. actions during the conflict were caused by various events during and after the end of WWII. President Harry Truman was faced with aggressive actions of the Soviets and Chinese in Berlin, Korea and French Indochina. He responded with force and ordered Gen. Douglas MacArthur to defend South Korea. He ordered the Berlin Airlift to deflect Soviet intentions to commit genocide in killing the Berliners. He began supporting the French Far East Expeditionary Forces in French Indochina. He directed the Policy of Containment of Communism worldwide. He reorganized the U.S. military structure at the Pentagon to preclude another sneak attack like Pearl Harbor. He adopted an international focus to U.S. foreign policy and abandoned the isolationist focus that permitted German and Japanese expansion beginning long ago. U.S. presidents from Eisenhower to Nixon pursued his Policy of Containment until 1973.
The Vietnam Civil War was a complex and complicated event that lasted for many years due to the decisions made by the North Vietnamese to extend the conflict for as long as possible, recognizing that Americans are impatient and would lose interest, allowing them to attain their goals.